Monday, December 22, 2008

Time Cycle.

Saw the birth of a star thru telescopic lens,
science says the speed of light is somethin', somethin, somethin
but can't tell me the speed of time.
I tell my son just a second,
my wife says just a minute
and we're days away from a new year...
but I say, you've never experienced or
measure the essence of time until your mind has stretched with
the growth of a child.
I'm just a child -
child of my grandfather's child.
Teaching our ancestors the true measure of time.
Cuz time isn't static.
It slows as child of said-child awaits the birth of child-to-be.
See what I mean when expectant mothers mutter, "I can't wait"
dot. dot. dot.
And then science said nanosecond, string theory.
But that's another story.
Time stands still for no man,
just every man spanning space and time,
standing in his place in line
waiting for the birth of his child.
And it's like a lifetime.
It IS a lifetime.
The time of a life but not the end of a lifeline.
Then stop.
Still stopped.
Life happening all around but for you just stopped.
4:18 a.m.
Kisses. Tears. Cries.
4:18 a.m.
And once that minute hand moves on to #19,
time for you has crescendoed.
Pickin up steam from that point on.
And momentum has the best of those minutes.
Before you know it
teeth, speech, keep reality out of reach.
It's not time to teach him about that -
Oh yes it is -
cuz time keeps on slippin...and you cannot stop it
spotted yourself in the mirror and time just told a story
but you missed it
cuz your eyes - I'm sorry - my eyes were on my son
as time took him to his second year in what seemed like seconds.
That's new time.
Neo time.
Time engineered.
His time is slow motion.
Can't wait for the next explosion of emotion
that mimics the smile on my face.
Instead it's slow movin and I can't move quick enough.
I'm going as fast as I can
all this while I want it to slow down.
Catch myself saying "give me a second"
and meaning it.
Really wanting it.
Looking for a refund on time not with my child.
I'm serious. It's wild!
Saw my Dad.
Saw myself.
Saw myself in my child.
In due time.
On and on.
Through time.
Overstand the time paradigm.
I'm part of the human race
and I know the time.

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